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World Regions in Global Context
Sallie A. Marston
Paul L. Knox
Diana M. Liverman
49.72 Mb
Communicating Environmental Geoscience - Special Publication no 305 (Geological Society Special Publication) (No. 305)
D. G. E. Liverman
C. Pereira
B. Marker
6.02 Mb
A Companion to Environmental Geography (Blackwell Companions to Geography)
Noel Castree
David Demeritt
Diana Liverman
Bruce Rhoads
5.21 Mb
Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions
Katherine Richardson
Will Steffen
Diana Liverman
8.36 Mb
Preventing childhood obesity
Committee on Prevention of Obesity in Children and Youth
Jeffrey P. Koplan
Catharyn T. Liverman
Vivica A. Kraak
2.29 Mb
Gulf War and Health, Volume 1: Depleted Uranium, Pyridostigmine Bromide, Sarin, Vaccines
Committee on Health Effects Associated with Exposures During the Gulf War
Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Carolyn E. Fulco
Catharyn T. Liverman
Harold C. Sox
1.08 Mb